Tunable light
Unlike any other type of lighting, tunable lighting connects directly to how we’ve evolved as humans. Lighting plays a direct role in our daily schedule and habits. Because we can shift the color temperature in a tunable white LED lighting fixture, we can optimize it according to the environment or the time of day.
In the past, we’d have to choose warm or cool lights depending on the room and purpose of the light. Perhaps we’d use a warm light in our bedroom to promote sleep, but a cool light in the office to keep us focused. Smart bulbs eliminate this problem and let us tune each light to whatever we need.
That way, we can align the light with our circadian rhythm to better match the gradual dimming effect humans have experienced since the beginning of time. Gone are the days of glaring, overwhelming light bulbs, with their insistence on shining the same bright beams down on people regardless of the needs and moods of the inhabitants.